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5 Incredible Health Benefits Of Coconut Flour: What You Need To Know

Coconut flour has recently gained popularity as a healthier alternative to traditional wheat flour. Extracted from the meat of coconuts, this gluten-free flour has become a staple in many kitchens due to its various health benefits.


Not only is coconut flour a great option if you have gluten sensitivities, but I've uncovered several health benefits that extend beyond its gluten-free appeal. It also offers a whole host of essential nutrients and vitamins.  In this blog post, I share five remarkable reasons to add coconut flour to your meals that can have a positive impact on your health.  

What is Coconut Flour?

Coconut flour is a type of flour made from ground-up coconut meat. If you are on a gluten-free diet, this  flour option has become popular for its high fiber content and nutritional value. It is a low carb grain-free flour. 

Nutrition Facts About Coconut Flour

Here is a nutritional breakdown of coconut flour per 100 grams:


  • Calories: 416
  • Total Carbohydrates: 58.8g
  • Dietary Fiber: 39.8g


  • Sugars: 6g
  • Protein: 15.6g
  • Total Fat: 15g
  • Saturated Fat: 13.3g
  • Sodium: 60mg
  • Potassium: 600mg (17% DV).
  • Iron: 6.1mg (34% DV)

    Coconut flour is high in fiber, protein, and certain minerals, but also high in calories and saturated fat compared to other flours. It is very high in fiber, providing almost 40g per 100g serving, which is over 100% of the recommended daily intake.

    Despite being low in digestible carbs (only around 19g per 100g), it is relatively high in calories and fat, mainly from saturated fat. It provides a good amount of protein, with around 16g per 100g. Coconut flour is a rich source of minerals like iron (34% DV) and potassium (17% DV). The fat is predominantly saturated fat (13.3g per 100g), which comes from the coconut itself.


    Health Benefits of Coconut Flour

    Coconut flour offers numerous health benefits, including blood sugar regulation, digestive health support, heart health promotion, weight management assistance, and providing a gluten-free and grain-free option for those with dietary restrictions. 

    1. Blood Sugar Regulation

    Coconut flour may help to regulate blood sugar levels. This is because coconut flour boasts a low glycemic index compared to wheat flour, making it better for blood sugar control. This means that the carbohydrates in coconut flour are digested more slowly, which helps prevent sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.

    Its high fiber content also plays a crucial role; it slows down glucose release into the bloodstream, keeping energy levels stable throughout the day. Coconut flour keeps you feeling fuller for longer periods. It's an excellent choice for anyone looking to manage weight, improve digestive health, and keep their blood sugar in check. 

    2. Digestive Health

    Thanks to its high dietary fiber content, coconut flour is key to maintaining digestive health. This powerful ingredient helps keep the digestive tract running smoothly, preventing constipation and supporting overall gut health. Digesting food becomes easier, and the risk of digestive discomfort decreases with the regular addition of coconut flour to meals.

    The dietary fiber found in coconut flour also helps to remove toxins from the body more efficiently, promoting a healthy environment within the gastrointestinal system. Its ability to absorb water enhances bowel movements, ensuring that waste passes through the digestive tract optimally. 

    3. Heart Health

    It's important to highlight coconut flour's contribution to heart health. Coconut flour is known for decreasing the risk factors associated with heart disease due to its high fiber and potassium content. Adding coconut flour to your diet may be beneficial in managing cholesterol levels by increasing fiber intake, as it helps lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Additionally, you may reduce your risk of diabetes as coconut flour is low glycemic, promoting overall heart wellness. 

    4. Support for Weight Management

    Coconut flour may be a great option when it comes to weight management. Its high fiber and protein content can help support healthy body weight by promoting the feeling of fullness, which in turn helps in weight loss efforts.

    Also, the fiber and healthy fats in coconut flour can slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream, supporting better blood sugar regulation and overall weight management. Furthermore, coconut flour is an excellent choice of healthy saturated fats for those looking to manage their weight while maintaining a nutritious diet.

    5. Gluten-free and Grain-free Option

    The gluten-free and grain-free option of coconut flour may offer a versatile alternative for individuals with celiac disease or gluten allergies. It is also perfect if you want to minimize grain intake or stick to a grain-free diet.

    This makes coconut flour an excellent choice for your diet.  This unique gluten-free and grain-free property makes coconut flour an adaptable ingredient in creating wholesome meals while promoting overall health.

    Comparison to Other Gluten-free Flours

    Comparing it to other gluten-free flours, I find its unique benefits fascinating. Here's a comparison table:


    Flour Type Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g) Carbs (g)
    Coconut Flour Low High High High Low
    Almond Flour Higher Lower Higher Lower Low
    Rice Flour High Low Low Low High
    Tapioca Flour High Low Low Very Low High


    You can see that coconut flour has low-calorie and high-fiber benefits. Its richer protein and fat content, compared to almond or rice flours.

    How to Use Coconut Flour in African Cuisine 

    Coconut flour is not traditionally a common ingredient in many African dishes, as it's more commonly used in gluten-free and low-carb diets in Western cuisine. However, I have found some African-inspired dishes or adaptations where coconut flour can be used, especially in dishes with a gluten-free or low-carb substitute.  

    Here are a few ideas:

    1. Coconut Flour Flatbread: A coconut flour blend can be used to make a type of flatbread, which could be used in African-inspired wraps or as a side dish.

    2. Coconut Flour Pancakes: Pancakes made with coconut flour blend can be served with African-inspired toppings or fillings.

    3. Coconut Flour Porridge: Coconut flour can be used to thicken and add flavor to porridge, which is a common breakfast dish in many African countries.

    4. Coconut Flour Battered Fried Fish: In some African cuisines, fish is breaded and fried. Coconut flour can be used as a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour.

    5. Coconut Flour Baked Goods: Coconut flour blend can be used in baked goods like muffins or bread, which could be enjoyed alongside African dishes.

    Well, I thought I could be a baking genius and mix coconut flour with regular flour to make some epic scones. Unfortunately, I found the hard way (pun intended) that adjusting your recipes is essential to account for coconut flour's high absorbency.

    The high dietary fibre means you need to increase the liquid by adding coconut oil or extra eggs or moist ingredients like yogurt. I didn't do this so my scones turned out more like rock buns! (Live and learn folks...I know for next time! 😅)

    While searching online, I found coconut fufu. This is a low-carb alternative to traditional fufu made from regular fufu made from cassava or plantains. Coconut flour and psyllium husk is blended to make fufu. It is served with soups and stews in West African cuisine.  

    Potential Risks and Precautions

    While coconut flour offers numerous health benefits, it's important to be aware of potential risks and precautions. Read more about how to use this versatile ingredient wisely.

    Allergy Risk

    When it comes to using coconut flour, it is important to be aware of the possibility of an allergic reaction. While coconut allergy is not common, it can cause serious symptoms such as skin rashes and gastrointestinal upset. Even though allergic reactions are relatively rare, people with coconut allergies should carefully read food labels and be mindful when using coconut-based products in cooking and baking. 

    High Fiber Content

    Coconut flour is packed with a high fiber content, containing 60% dietary fiber. This is a good option to help lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides, promoting heart health. With 6 grams of fiber in every serving, coconut flour is an excellent source of dietary fiber that has a positive effect on a healthy digestive system.

    Coconut flour is also known for its bloating tendencies due to its high fiber content, some people may experience discomfort when they have coconut flour. Nonetheless, this nutrient-dense option provides a substantial amount of dietary fiber compared to regular wheat flour. 



    After learning about the health benefits and versatility of coconut flour, I hope that it you use it to enhance your wellness journey. Finding ways to add coconut flour to your diet with its high fiber content and suitability for various dietary preferences (keto diet, paleo diet, diabetic friendly diet, celiac friendly diet) coconut flour is a fantastic option for those seeking nutritious alternatives.

    Let me know how you get the best results from coconut flour!

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