newest products! Mopane worms :-) #amacimbi #mashonja #pane #finkubala.
Our newest products have been a such a labour of love to bring them into Australia. We have been working with Lets Go Trade South Africa to bring them to you. Mopane worms are a species of emperor moth which is native to the warmer parts of southern Africa. It is a large edible caterpillar, known as the Madora. It feeds primarily but not exclusively on mopane tree leaves. Mopane worms are an important source of protein for millions in the Southern African region.
We'll tell you the story behind the mopane worms that we are going to have available in our store. These mopane worms have been harvested by hand by women in poor communities in South Africa. They are prepared using traditional methods that have been used for centuries in these communities. The traditional method is to catch the mopane worms and squeeze out the entrails by hand. The worms are then boiled in salt water and set out to sun dry. The salt is what assists in drying the worms so that they have no moisture content. This is what allows them to be preserved for long periods of time. This preparation process has not been commercialised in any way except for the fact that Lets Go Trade South Africa has packaged and labeled these worms.
Our aim in wanting to import the mopane worms is to be able to empower women in these poor communities so that they can earn money from their natural resources. We believe African and non African communities in the diaspora can also stand to benefit by eating such wholesome and unprocessed foods. Enjoy!!! :-)