Optimise Your Health & Wellbeing With African Plants and Foods

Kudzai Musengi African Wellness Blog

Darling...What Are You Eating?

Darling...What Are You Eating?

Sandra "Darling what are you eating?"Yieke "Pretzels of course mummy!”Sandra “Really? What do they taste like”Yieke “they are nice and crunchy”My n...

Mopane worms - our newest products

Mopane worms - our newest products

 newest products! Mopane worms :-) #amacimbi #mashonja #pane #finkubala. Our newest products have been a such a labour of love to bring them into ...

Mopane Worms - our newest products

Mopane Worms - our newest products

Sooo excited to introduce our newest products! Mopane worms :-) #amacimbi #mashonja #pane #finkubala. Our newest products have been a such a labou...

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